peer coaching

Unlock Your Potential in 4 Transformative Sessions

1st Session: Uncover Your Strengths & Values. Discover what makes you unique. Explore your core values and strengths, and learn how to leverage them for professional success. Collaborate with peers to enhance your strengths.

3rd Session: Strategize Your Goals.
Turn your vision into actionable goals and solutions. Learn how to measure your progress and plan your path using SMART strategies.

2nd Session: Craft Your Personal Vision. Utilize cutting-edge, solution-focused methodology based on neuroscience to shape your personal vision. Define who you want to become.

4th Session: Harness the Power of Peer Support. Experience the strength of peer support and coaching. Engage in mutual coaching with fellow participants, enhancing your growth journey together.

Discover the Benefits of Joining our Program:


Unlock Self-Understanding: Connect deeply with your true self.

Maximize Strengths: Leverage your key strengths and align with your values.

Define Your Personal Vision: Uncover your purpose and answer the "why" behind your actions.

Learn Valuable Coaching Skills: Acquire a practical coaching approach with broad applicability.

Strategize Your Goals: Plan concrete actions to achieve your key objectives.

Collaborate and Innovate: Share experiences with peers and explore fresh solutions together.

Reserve your place now!

If you are interested in any of the above programs you can contact Treasure Lab or better yet- give us a call at: +30 210 80 66 257!

We look forward to hearing from you! 🙂